Eco Club Committee

An Eco club is a group who works to contribute to improving environmental conditions . They offer programs and activities to encourage others to reduce pollution , plant trees and more.

  • A club dedicated to
  • Making  your campus less wasteful
  • Raising awareness for eco-friendly causes
  • Promoting environmentally friendly habits like  reduce, reuse, and recycle
eco club

Our Vision

Increase Awareness

Increase the awareness among high school students regarding environmental issues.

Raise Interest

To raise the students “interest” over environmental issues.

Involve Students

To get the students actively involved in environmental matters from their own area.

Few of Our Projects

Gvriksh’s first Plantation Drive at Haridwar

A team of more than 20 go green enthusiast planted more than 100 saplings in Siddh shrot. Due care was taken while choosing the trees meant for plantation .Environment friendly tress with specific medicinal and other benefits were planted. We are also in constant touch with the local residents to ensure that the trees planted are given proper care. So we not only believe in planting trees but also ensure its sustainability

Plantation Drive at Sarvodaya Vidyalaya 2013

Gvriksh believes that Schools can play a vital  role to UNITE people across socio-economic, geo-political and generational boundaries, CREATE healthy, supportive learning environments, CONNECT youth to nature, EDUCATE the greatest number to embrace a shared understanding about environment and DEVELOP the values, long-term vision, and skills to live together sustainably in Gvriksh ‘s dream India ,a green and fresh India where our young ones can breathe fresh air and feel good in and Out.

Great Delhi Run” 2013 Run for a cause

In its continuous strive to create awareness among people for better environment for our young loved ones and generations to come ,Team Gvriksh participated in Airtel, Great Delhi Run” 2013 on 15 December.

  • Being in Ecoclub is very flexible
  • Meetings once in a month
  • Weekend events are optional and quite frequent
  • All events give community service hours
  • For those looking to be more involved ….
  • Passes will be provided for the next upcoming events.
  • We are going to be forming committees  at the next meeting.
  • Each committee will have an elected leader
  • Types of committees
  • Go Green
  • Green Gang
  • We Mean Green  
  • Green Stem 
  • If the colleges wants they can keep there college name as a committees  names .

Join Eco Club

To get knowledge about the environment
It increase the confidence level in students
Develop leadership quality